Three reasons to choose Danny Pettry as your self-study CEU solution!


Danny Pettry’s program requires reading interesting books!

Recently, a recreation therapist emailed to ask: What makes DannyPettry’s Rec Therapy CEUs program different from our competitor’s CEU program.

The answer is real simple:

Reading books is what makes (Danny Pettry’s Rec Therapy CEUs) more distinguished and prestigious from our new rookie online CEU competitor.

Our competitor argues, “Books are optional for [their] courses as the content needed to pass the course is delivered online via presentations” That doesn’t sound too smart to us. Ironically, they feature a book in their logo.

Yes – Danny Pettry’s Rec Therapy CEUs requires reading books.

And we’d like to validate that independent learners gain three (3) major outcomes from our (book reading) program compared to their (skip-the-book option) program.


Competitive advantage # 1: Depth and Profoundness


Books improve your knowledge.

Wendy’s ads in 1984 questioned their competitor’s burgers by asking, “Where’s the beef?”

We’d like to ask: Where’s the book? Where’s the content? Where’s the deeper knowledge?

Example: I could write a lovely presentation on humanistic psychology, but that will never compare with the depth of the subject written by Carl Rogers in his book, On Personal Power. Even if created book summary review (on a slideshow presentation) on his book that was amazing, most people would want to “hear it from the horses’ mouth.” I can’t out-Rogers – Carl Rogers.

Something to think about: Tim Sander’s (Business leadership expert) argues:

“Reading is a source of potency. Become a walking encyclopedia of answers for anyone who has questions.”

Imagine the personal satisfaction and depth of knowledge you’ll gain from reading a book.  Feel the satisfaction.


Competitive advantage # 2: Definitely Prestigious


Reading books is a prestigious activity.

Tom Hanks plays the role of Jimmy Dugan, in the 90’s movie, A League of Their Own. This movie is based on the true story of an all-female baseball team coached by professional ballplayer Jim Dugan during WWII. One of the most memorable lines from the movie is when Jim Dugan (played by Hanks) says this about baseball: “It’s supposed to hard. If it were easy, everyone would do it.”

Reading a book takes time and effort. It is harder, but it is worthwhile. It’s valuable.

A presentation on a book is just… too easy.

Example: I could write a book summary (and put in in a slideshow format) of Stephen King’s (2012) novel Blockade Billy, much like the summary of the book at wikipedia.  However, you’d get more fulfillment out of the 112 page novel compared to the one-page summary on wikipedia.

Something to think about: American author, Mark Twain said,

“The person who won’t read has no advantage over the person who can’t read.”

Imagine the pride you’ll feel from completing a book. You’ll be more interesting in conversation. Why yes… I did read that book!


Competitive advantage # 3: Achievement and Success


Leaders are readers.

Researchers have identified that Chief Executive Offers (CEOs) of Fortune 500 Companies read an average of 50 to 60 books per year.  One key element of successful people is that they read a lot of books. Researches have found that wealthy people read more books.


  • Oprah is wealthy. She selected her favorite books every month for her book club.
  • People asked Elon Musk, where did you learn to build rockets? His answer: “I read books.”
  • Bill Gates reads about 50 books per year.
  • Danny Pettry: I read about two books per week. Most of these books are about business, self-improvement, personal growth, success, and spirituality. But I also read fiction from time to time too.

Disclaimer: I can’t promise that you’ll get financially wealthier from taking my courses, but you’ll definitely develop wealthier knowledge.

Something to think about: Motivational speaker, Brian Tracy said,

Read an hour every day in your chosen field. This works out to be about one book per week, 50 books per year, and will guarantee your success.”

Imagine how you’ll use your newfound knowledge to achieve your dreams and passions.

Your Next Action Step…Sign-up Today!


Go here now:

Read to succeed!

Registration is super easy! 

Register for a DannyPettry: Rec Therapy CEUs course today at this link:  


A Recreation Therapist writes a book!

Beth Duewel has a degree in Recreational Therapy from North Central State College.

Duewel has worked at a Certified Drug and Alcohol Counselor for 12-years.

She co-authored her book with  Rhonda Sue (who is a national speaker and a humor columnist).

Click here to check out the book from our amazon affiliate link. 

Go here to read the article:

Teaching Children Inner Power

Recreational Therapists wanting to start a private practice could learn a lot from those who are professional success coaches.

I got to have lunch with Kate Butler today at Jack Canfield’s Breakthrough to Success conference in Philadelphia.

I’m eating lunch and I happen to overhear her say that her young daughter had written a book. Naturally, that caught my attention.

Kate is the author of “More Than Mud.” It is a children’s book that teaches about confidence and imagination and perspective. And then her daughter, Bella followed up with a part 2 of the book, “More than Magic.”

Both of these books teach a lot about tolerance.

I feel confident that Recreational Therapists providing services for pediatrics (rather physical rehab, behavioral health, or community therapeutic recreation) could definitely find her books to be useful in therapy.


Here are my amazon affiliate links for their amazing books:

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Here is the link to Kate Butler’s success coaching web-site:

“I CAN” inspirational books for kids

I-CAN-Series-1024x724“All things are possible when you believe you can.” – Miriam Laundry


I’m at Jack Canfield’s Breakthrough to Success (BTS) training in Philadelphia.


I got to meet Mirian Laundry who is assisting with the conference.


I first heard about her during Jack’s one-day to success workshop in Chicago (in 2016).



Jack said that she had written a children’s book on her airplane ride back from his BTS conference. That seems amazing. And her book has won many awards, like Guiness World Records!



I feel confident that recreational therapists who provide services for children (in any setting: physical rehabilitation, behavioral health, community, developmental disabilities) would enjoy her books.


Here are some of my amazon affiliate links for her amazing books:




Here is a link to her site:

Important Message for RTs

canstockphoto15913215 Rec Therapy CEUs can help you to develop your potential as a Rec Therapist

Here are some facts to know:

  • 1/3 of high school graduates never read another book for the rest of their lives.
  • 42% of college graduates never read another book after college.
  • 80% of U.S. families did not buy or read a book last year.
  • 70% of U.S. adults have not been in a bookstore in the last five years.
  • 57% of new books are not read to completion.

Statistics from (2003) study by the Jenkins Group


Danny’s important message for RTs: don’t be part of those statistics. Rec Therapy CEUs encourages recreational therapists to read more books. It’s a powerful thing to do.

Register for a self-study CEU course today to get your CEU credit for reading interesting books that will hop you to grow both as a person and a professional.

Go to this link to see what courses we have for you:

RT book project

I’ve been advocating for several months to get Chicken Soup for the Soul to create a book of stories about the healing power of recreational therapy.

I’ve met a lot of resistance.

I’ve contacted Chicken Soup by mail and they’ve said “no,” too narrow of a topic.

I drove to Chicago one weekend to meet Jack Canfield, the co-creator of Chicken Soup to get his support and he sent my message on to Chicken Soup (a company and brand that he sold). – but they still said no.

I’ve created an online petition to request them to create the book (but only 400 signatures)  – but Chicken Soup said “no.” – They need millions of signatures.

I’ve contacted NCTRC and asked them to submit a letter to Chicken Soup, but they didn’t because the mission of NCTRC to is protect the public from harm.

I ‘ve contacted ATRA and asked them to write a letter to Chicken Soup, but they said it wouldn’t be fair to all the members of ATRA.

My last letter from Chicken Soup said “return to sender.”

Emotions: I feel invalidated. I feel rejected. I feel distressed.

But don’t despair.

I Danny Pettry am determined. I promise that I’ll continue to advocate until this book project gets approved.

I’m going to get this book published. I hope with Chicken Soup.

I really think Chicken Soup is making a huge mistake to disregard recreational therapy.

My second choice is Hay House.  My team has reached out to them and they are open to book proposals. What do you think?

I have another appointment to meet with Jack Canfield in 2017 in Philly. I’ll keep you posted.

Some Tips on Earning More in Recreational Therapy (a book review).

© Can Stock Photo / tang90246canstockphoto11452270

© Can Stock Photo / tang90246

A book review of Brian Tracy’s (2012) book, Earn What You’re Really Worth: Maximize Your Income at Any Time in Any Market.

By: Danny Pettry


Tracy, B. (2012). Earn what you’re really worth: maximize your income at any time in any market. Philadelphia, PA: Vanguard Press


I [Danny Pettry] do not promise that you’ll earn any additional income from this book review. I am reviewing a book by Brian Tracy on the topic of income. Please note that I do not offer any guarantees for Recreational Therapists.


The Author and the Book:


Brian Tracy is well-known in the self-development field. I’ve read several of his books in the past, including: Goals! and Eat that Frog! I was browsing the library for leadership books when I accidently found this book and decided to check it out.

I often check out books based on recommendations of other authors. Several of my favorite authors had praise for this book, including:

I know with a list of recommendations from that group that I had to read this book.

Tracy (2012) has 12 chapters with useful tips. This review will cover a brief overview of the chapter and provide practical information for recreational therapists.


  • Chapter 1: the new normal


The main concept: Change is always happening. There is always new information. Competition is strong.


Thoughts for Recreational Therapists: Be prepared for change. Work at improving your own set of skills to be competent for when change happens. Continue to invest in yourself and your own career. Money is often fault for in the competitive world of healthcare services. Be sure to be a professional who is using evidenced-based practice to demonstrate outcomes. Those services that are not producing outcomes are going to get discontinued.


  • Chapter 2: your personal service corporation


The main concept: Everything about “you” is a corporation. It consists of your own life mission and goals, personal values, work ethic, skills, abilities, and traits. It is valuable to have your own personal service corporation in gear.


Thoughts for Recreational Therapists: Recreational therapists are often self-aware of who they are and what they want to do. This is why they decided to become a recreational therapist. Be sure to make your own name (insert your name here) a personal brand of excellence.


  • Chapter 3: increase your earning potential

The main concept: Be competent in your job. Produce the results that the job requires. Do the most important (big jobs) first on your daily to-do list. Invest your own time on becoming better. Continue to improve your own skills and competencies.


Thoughts for Recreational Therapists: Make sure your recreational therapy services are bringing about measurable results. Here is a sample generic idea of this: Patient has x ability before services (able to sit in chair and participate in social activity for 30 minutes).  Patient participates in recreational therapy services (which appears to be playing cards, but it is strength building).  Outcomes after services: patient now has 2x ability (ability to sit up for the full hour). Results get payment. No results mean no payment. Be sure to invest and prepare for your own future too. What skills might you need in five or ten years?


  • Chapter 4: capitalize on your strengths

The main concept: There are certain things you do well. There are other things you might struggle with doing. The focus here is to really develop those skills that you do well, which are marketable. These are the skills that give you a leading edge.


Thoughts for Recreational Therapists: Become a specialist in the area that you do well. It could be assessments, program planning/ goal writing, an intervention, measuring outcomes, documentation. Be the best you can be in the area that you’re already doing well. You could become a paid consultant or trainer in that area.


  • Chapter 5: get the right job

The main concept: Be self-aware of the job you really want to have. This is the perfect dream job. Be prepared to get that job. Do what you must to be the best person for the job. Go talk to someone that has the job you want and ask them questions on how they got there.


Thoughts for Recreational Therapists: Recreational therapists are pretty self-aware that they want to be a Recreational Therapist. However, they may have future goals. They might want to become a Manger/ program director, a consultant, works with a certain population, or become an educator. Develop the skills you need to become what you want. Take a person out to lunch who is already working in that job and ask them some questions.


  • Chapter 6: the future belongs to the competent

The main concept: Those who produce results get the job and keep the job. Be competent in communication: written (typing documentation, emailing, writing official reports), speaking: to groups, patients, customers, and other people). Be a good listener to find out what they (boss, customers, patients) need and deliver it/ produce it/ create it, make it happen.


Thoughts for Recreational Therapists: Identify the competencies needed to be in the top of your field. Consider getting specialty certifications. Continue to grow and develop your competencies. The skills you have today might not be the skills you’ll need in the future. Stay current of what is happening in the profession.


  • Chapter 7: double your productivity

The main concept: Identify the jobs and tasks that must be completed. Make a list of those responsibilities. Do the biggest, toughest, or most important ones first. Be disciplined to work hard and get the job done.


Thoughts for Recreational Therapists: Identify what your employer wants you to do and do it. Manage your time well. Constantly be productive and producing. Of course, on your own leisure time, be sure to identify areas you want to grow and improve. Constantly work on improvement there too. Be disciplined to go the extra mile, learn more, and specialize.


  • Chapter 8: practical project management

The main concept: Do projects one at a time. Be sure to identify the results that are needed or the outcomes. Write it down and outline it. Decide who on the team is going to be helping is responsible for each part. Lead the team to success.


Thoughts for Recreational Therapists: What project are you working on? Danny Pettry: One of my big projects this time of year is the Holiday Play. We start the first day of November. What is the play going to be? What kids in the program will do which part? Who will help with costumes? Who will help with make-up? Who will help the kid learn the lines? Who will help with rehearsals? About mid-December, we deliver a wonderful holiday performance for patient families and administration. We plan ahead to identify therapy treatment goals for each kid as well (interpersonal skills, cognitive skills, affect regulation skills, self-esteem) and many other skills that are measurable and accomplished via the holiday performance. Recreational therapists can do projects and develop their own leadership skills.


  • Chapter 9: put people first

The main concept: People are important. Develop your interpersonal skills to the best they can be. All people want to feel validated, important, and worthwhile, included, affirmed, and have some sense of control in their own lives.


Thoughts for Recreational Therapists: Recreational therapists work in the human service field. They are probably pretty apt towards having good people skills. As a reminder, be friendly to all people you meet (at work) and in your personal life too. I doubt any RTs need that reminder. One day any person (neighbor, the facility maintenance/ Gardner, etc.) might have what you want or need. Ethics reminder: that we never take anything or use patients for our own gain.


  • Chapter 10: powerful problem solving and decision-making

The main concept: Be an effective problem solver. Identify the problem. Identify the solutions. Seek feedback from others. Implement.


Thoughts for Recreational Therapists: This sounds a lot like the Recreational Therapy process. Assess the situation (identify the target problem). Collaborate with the treatment team to get therapy goals. Implement the recreational therapy interventions to get the problem-solved. Evaluate the outcomes. Recreational therapists are can be very marketable in other professions too with their ability to go in and assess a situation, prepare a plan, implement the plan, and evaluate the results. That same process could be used for rec therapists for personal self-development as well.


  • Chapter 11: get paid more and promoted faster

The main concept: This chapter focuses on dressing for success. Being able to ask for what you want (like a pay increase). It has a large focus on continuing to learn and grown and double your professional knowledge and skills.


Thoughts for Recreational Therapists: Recreational therapists can continue their education in many ways (like my online program NCTRC requires recreational therapists to earn continuing education units that are based on TR knowledge areas. However, do not limit yourself to that alone. Continue to grow and develop other skills (above and beyond that what is required for certification) that could enhance your skills and knowledge as well.


  • Chapter 12: perception is everything

The main concept: Develop the right mindset. Gain and demonstrate a positive mental attitude. Be grateful. Meet new people. Continue to develop your skill set.


Thoughts for Recreational Therapists: Learn about improving your own attitude (even if you already have a positive attitude). Continue to meet people (professional conferences), attend and participate in your own town or county local events. Advocate for Recreational Therapy on your own time (public speaking) and you’ll also be getting your own name out there.



Tracy (2012) offered a lot of tips that are useful towards getting the job a person really wants to have (often which has a higher salary) or getting paid the maximum salary possible. Tracy’s suggestions are fairly simple. They consist of denying the job you want and the salary you want. Identify what skills, knowledge, and competencies are needed for that position. Gain those skills. Be a hard-working person who produces results and outcomes. Over deliver by doing more than what you’re expected. Demonstrate a positive attitude. Be people friendly. Network and grow. Go for it.



Tracy, B. (2012). Earn what you’re really worth: maximize your income at any time in any market. Philadelphia, PA: Vanguard Press

The Truth About “Chicken Soup for the Soul”


Their FAQs page says this:

“I have a title suggestion for a future Chicken Soup for the Soul book. How can I submit my idea?”  

Here is their answer: “We do not take book title ideas from the public. Please do not send us book title ideas.”

What This Means:

They have said in advance at their site that they do not want us to send any book title ideas.

The Truth About Recreational Therapy

Fact # 1: We are going to create a book!

Fact # 2: It is going to be an amazing and wonderful book full of stories about Recreational Therapists doing great things.

Fact # 3: I [Danny Pettry] am a visionary. I can kind of see into the future. I can visualize this book already as if it were already real. It is really awesome. I can’t wait for you to read it.

The Truth is: Chicken Soup for the Soul might miss out on a great book project:

We’re going to give Chicken Soup for the Soul the first chance to take on this book title. But if they don’t. so what – someone will. Even if we have to ask 145 publishers or self-publish it. But I don’t think it would take that many.

We’ll just have a different title for the same book. It doesn’t have to be a Chicken Soup for the Soul series book.

Action Steps YOU can do right now:


Click here to sign the petition asking Chicken Soup to approve our book project!


Click here to chip in $10 to help us Win the campaign. 

Jack Canfield: Make this book possible!

I have a meeting with Jack Canfield (co-creator of the Chicken Soup for the Soul book series) on Sat. Sept. 24th.

I’m going to ask him to create a Chicken Soup for the Recreational Therapist’s Soul book. Imagine how awesome that book would be. I sure hope he says yes.”

I’m have a petition requesting Jack Canfield to make this book possible. I hope to present him with at least 1,000 signatures this Saturday.

Please go to the link below and sign the petition: