Humor Therapy – Carla Riechman


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I met Carla Riechman on facebook. Β She operates the web-site

I felt confident that recreational therapists would want to know about her site and resources.

Carla was kind enough to submit the following information for the Rec Therapy blog, include the quote of the day – which is right on target.

Here it is:

The Quote of the Day for Monday, January 23, 2017.

“Always laugh when you can. It is cheap medicine.”–Lord Byron

We have all heard the expression “Laughter is the best medicine.”

Do you have any idea how true that statement is?

Laughter does wonders for both our physical and mental health. It’s obvious we feel mentally good after watching a funny movie or after a fun event.

Did you know that laughter optimizes the function of all your internal organs? Your heart, your lungs, your digestion all act more effectively and efficiently after a good laugh.

The laughter can be genuine or forced. It doesn’t matter. Your body still benefits from the laughter. A lot of research has been done to backup this claim.

Laugh when you feel negative and/or sick. You will feel better after a good laugh.

Laughter Meditation as taught by The Giggle Fest at Giggle Fest University will give you an experience of the true power of laughter.

Click here NOW for information on Laughter Meditation

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Be one with your giggle or chuckle with a smile on your face and laughter in your heart.

Carla Riechman