Danny Pettry Presentations

Danny Pettry presents:

Topic Date/ Time Location Price
Trauma Focused Recreational Therapy for Children and Adolescents Wednesday


7 p.m. (Eastern)

(90 minutes)

Live webinar

DannyPettry, LLC


$15 per person

Registration Open: click here

Trauma Focused Recreational Therapy for Children and Adolescents Friday


8:30 a.m.

(90 minutes)

Southeast Recreational Therapy Symposium,

Williamsburg, VA

$275 for full conference
Rec Therapist: WE put the RT in SMART: Learn how to awaken your patient’s intelligence and Success 4/4/18

7 p.m. (Eastern)

(60 minutes)

Live webinar

DannyPettry, LLC


$15 per person

Registration open: click here.

Recreational Therapy in Mental/ Behavioral Health Saturday


(60 minutes)

Great Lakes Student RT Conference, Bradford Woods, Indiana $70 per person

Contact Indiana University Rec Therapy about registration.

Rec Therapy: We put the RT in HEART: Wednesday


(60 minutes)

Live Webinar DannyPettry, LLC


$15 per person

Registration is NOT open  yet

Learn about advanced specialization areas in rec therapy Wednesday


(60 minutes)

Live Webinar

DannyPettry, LLC

FREE  Registration open now: click here.
StaRT Button TRaining Wednesday

5/ 2/18

(60 minutes)

Live Webinar DannyPettry, LLC

60 minutes


Registration NOT open yet


Announcing: Danny Pettry’s February/ March 2018 webinar series

canstockphoto42469153 copyDanny Pettry has five upcoming webinars.

Four out of five of these sessions will FREE!

Sessions are limited to 100 people only, so you’ll want to sign-up fast when registration opens to the public.

Registration dates will be open soon.

Here are the upcoming sessions:

  • 001TeachLeisure_logoFeb. 7, 2018 @ 7:00 p.m. Danny Pettry presents: Leisure Education and Counseling Certificate Course. You’ll earn one clock hour of continuing education for this webinar. Plus you’ll get access to 50 leisure education books that you can use to teach leisure skills. Session cost is: $47 per person. Group discounts available upon request. Registration will be open soon.
  • DP-CEUsecrets-eBook-1-256Feb. 21st, 2018 @ 7:00 p.m. Danny Pettry presents: CEU Secrets. You’ll learn how you can easily earn CEUs online and how to identify quality online trainings. Session content is CE Pre-approved for one clock hour of continuing education by NCTRC.

This session will be FREE. Registration will be open soon.

The next two sessions are part of our Advanced Certificate Training Courses. You’ll also learn how you can earn advanced certificates in Behavioral Health for those Rec Therapists seeking Advanced Specialization1499297634_blob

  • March 7, 2018 @ 7:00 p.m. Danny Pettry presents: Social Psychology and Recreation Therapy. One clock hour of continuing education (0.1 CEU). This session will be FREE.
  • March 8, 2018 @ 7:00 p.m. Danny Pettry presents: Positive Psychology and Recreation Therapy. One clock hour of continuing education (0.1 CEU). This session will be FREE

And Danny Pettry’s Team is really excited to announce this year’s start button training program with a new focus area (to be announced soon).

  • 1499831792_blobWed. March 28, 2018 Danny Pettry will be presenting StaRTbuttonTRaining for recreation therapists who want to become entrepreneurs. This session will be FREE!  If you’ve ever dreamed of starting your own recreation therapy related business – then this session is for you!


Read the raving reviews and testimonials







Your friend and partner in Rec Therapy, Danny Pettry


DannyPettry (Rec Therapy CEUs) is a West Virginia Limited Liability Company
1509 Walnut St. # 5, Kenova, West Virginia 25530, United States of America
Email: Danny@DannyPettry.com
Text to set up live suppoRT: 304-412-4965

Positive Psychology Secrets – analytics


I presented on positive psychology tonight through my webinar series.

Here are the analytics of the webinar.

  • 209 people clicked on the registration page.
  • 134 people registered for the training webinar.
  • 72 people attended this webinar out of the 134 who registered.

Naturally, there will be a limited time replay for the people who didn’t see the live training.

  • The average time a person was in the session was 59 minutes.
  • Average attentiveness for session was at 78%
  • Average interest rate was at 85%


Analytics for Motivation Secrets Webinar

I provided a free training tonight (June 7, 2017) on motivation secrets for (0.1 CEU).

Here are the ratings:

Avg time for session was 62 minutes – so we met the one clock hour.

A total of 193 people clicked on the registration page. We had 111 people register for the training and a total of  66 live attendees! I’m pleased with that. Of course we had 101 attendees in our training on advanced certification.

  • Average attentiveness was 80.38%.
  • Average interesting rating was: 86.45

I’m happy with those results and hope to reach at least a 90% next time.

I should have included a question in the evaluation on how to be more interesting.



ATRA Webinar Series – CEUs you can use

Hello there –

Disclaimer: I am a Lifetime Member of the American Therapeutic Recreation Association (ATRA). I am not an elected member of the ATRA board. I am not a paid spokesperson for ATRA. I am just a member of the association passing along information.

Here is the email:

We are excited to announce the
2017 ATRA Webinar Series
is open for registration.
With six different series available, and 19 new innovative webinars, there’s bound to be something perfect for you.
We’ve got great topics and fantastic speakers for you to choose from. And the best part is they are all CEU-approved (make sure to check on CEU registration when you sign-up).
You will walk away from each webinar with tangible learning outcomes that can help you at your workplace.
Can’t pick just one? Be sure to sign up for the entire series at a cost savings to you.
If you can’t listen live, make sure you order the replay version (after each webinar takes place, we will add the replay purchase information in the ATRA Bookstore).
For more information on each series and registration information click the series title below.
Questions? Contact ATRA at membership@atra-online.com or call 703.234.4140


11130 Sunrise Valley Drive, Suite 350
Reston, VA 20191



[0.1 CEUs] — Rec Therapy Month Webinar

rtmonthaFebruary is Rec Therapy Month!
I’m presenting a free webinar:
The difference between recreation activities and recreation therapy.
(0.1 CEU) provided.
Date: Wed. Feb. 1, 2017. Time: 7:00 p.m. (eastern time).
Of course, you already know the difference.
If you enjoy the webinar you can get access to replay the webinar at your facility to help educate your co-workers about recreation therapy.
best wishes.
your friend,

Review for Happy Secrets

A total of 107 people signed up for the webinar and 67 people showed up and attended
What did you like about the webinar?
Here are the comments from people who submitted reviews:
Ideas on how to incorporate techniques for programs.
A Lot of good points where made that I can use in my practice. Also there where a few assessments named that could be helpful to use in my practice. I also would like to read all the books that were mentioned in the webinar.
it was amazing.
Very Interesting. Will use in my workplace
I enjoyed how he provided multiple different types of resources (books & websites) in order to continue further research surrounding this topic.
Stay positive. Validate emotions. If you want to be happy study happy people
The flow of the presentation.
I enjoyed knowing there is an online class on happiness to earn further CEU’s
I found there to be a lot of information I could utilize in my groups
It reminded why being happy is so important
The cheer yourself up suggestions were good for personal use as well as groups. I also see emotions in a new light, neither good nor bad. The validation of emotions will definitely be incorporated in my anger management groups.
all of it.
I enjoyed all the information, the books you recommended, and the interaction you provided the peers. Thank you again.
I enjoyed the list of resources you provided about happiness. I will be looking for some of the books in the near future. I have even already gone and taken the positive ratio test!
It was a great reminder on what to practice on a daily basis to improve one’s happiness.
I learned ways to help make myself happier, which in turn I would be in a better place emotionally/mentally to help my residents.
educational and interesting
I really enjoyed hearing personal stories and hearing how you work with youth. The affect assessment was really helpful as well.
I enjoyed the section discussing measuring your happiness and cheering yourself up. I thought the discussion of mental health was important as well
I liked the Charlie Brown book about happiness.
It was very informative and entertaining, love your accent
I enjoyed the fact that you related it to Rec Therapy so many times
learning about resources that I could use
The research based info
Learned a lot I can use in my work place and he kept it interesting
Lots of good resources given!
I enjoyed the suggestions of FUN activities/groups.
The different ideas for groups to run
Learning different secrets to happiness
I enjoyed that there were relatable moment and the cartoons.
I enjoyed all the information about various books to use as resources
Great webinar Danny! Very well thought out. You backed every tip on how to cheer up with studies and research and gave great book resources. I want to do a group with my patients on this subject matter with all the tips you gave out! Thank you!
All the book resources that were provided
Very informative and well presented
Very applicable for the patients I work with. Informative
The webinar was filled with information and i would love to have a list of the books you spoke of.
Theories and sources used
I enjoyed seeing all of the resources and books that were used and recommended.
Good refresher for basic knowledge that we as professionals forget to break down
reference books
Informative and helpful with good points and book list.
It reinforced and added to what I share with my clients!
The book recommendations.
The information about happiness.
Enjoyed all the resources and assessments K Informative
The topic is of interest.
Good advice about assisting clients and practitioners to have a better attitude.
Very informative
The excellent suggested reading material. Also, multiple suggestions that I can utilize when assessing and assisting patients.
Learned useful tools to utilize with my patients. Enjoyed hearing of new resources and book suggestions to learn more information on happiness.
I enjoyed the book ideas! I’m excited to see the email with the book list.
I related to a lot of the stories. I work in inpatient mental health and so I understand how some of this content could work in a group session.
Easy to follow along with format and the great humor kept me engaged.
I think this is great subject to re-evaluate every so often because people often take happiness for granted. This allowed me to really think about what makes me happy and why it is so important to keep yourself and others connected with happiness.
Very interesting information.
I like there is 4 four different assessments to measure: Optimism, Positivity, Resilience, and Happiness.

Need CEUs? Want something conveient: Go here: http://www.dannypettry.com/courses.htmlcanstockphoto15361139


How could the webinar have been improved?

here are the answers:

It was great
There was some lag.
Ending at 5:00. I am on the clock and my employer expected me to have this complete within an hour.
Not sure, it was entertaining for me 🙂
An hour isn’t enough time to go over everything; however, if we can obtain a slide before the webinar, it could be helpful when taking notes.
It was perfect
It was good. No changes needed
Not sure
I think the webinar was run very smoothly and I do not have anything I would change about it.
More coping skills to utilize.
It was great!
It was great, I enjoyed it
I think this was great! I appreciate this happy topic
Personally I liked it when webinars were on Wednesdays but that’s because that is my day off. Either way I was able to watch this webinar at work.